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During Christmas time the Buchen Deutsche Auslandsreisen fell. This is now available at Aldi. Make sure the fear is in an overshoot.

Munich – Überraschungen are positive in all rules. And go to Laune. This is a natural Ausnahmen gibt. Who under such manchem Weihnachtsbaum. It’s not like it’s a target point to hit.

Make sure you experience the stress of the overload on the tension. Ehe if Dankeschön Luftsprünge follows. Or – at the other extreme – you completely wish you were gone. I know the fall didn’t do much damage to a flight, but a lot of the distance is gone.

Aldi sells flight tickets: The first time after booking is the soul of the journey.

Das Ziel is then completely equal. When you travel, you no longer have to do anything or prevent an excess. This is the case that’s blind booking be quasi-financed. A piece of cake, ohne zu erasen, wohin die Reise geht.

These models work anyway Aldi an – in Kooperation mit Eurowings. The Discounter, there is one Kundin with a Weihnachts-Aktion verärgerteif all goes well, the first thing you’ve read is the journey through the journey. The action in Rahmen der Aldi offers leave until 29. December.

Flights could be spontaneous, also for the next tag or for bis 42 days in Voraus. Im favorable Fall Sollen Hin- und Rückflug 79.99 Euro per Person costs.

Flugzeug am Terminal and Aldi-Schild and Fassade
With Aldi abheben: Der Discounter bietet im Dezember Blind-Booking-Flüge an. © IMAGO / Jochen Tack, IMAGO / Michael Gstettenbauer

Blind Booking at Aldi: Discounter sells flight tickets for various airport flights

The most important thing is that you end up on the beach. So if you travel with the Eurowings basic fare, the price of a trip is now a small bag with the maximum dimensions 40x30x25 Zentimeter. Weiteres Gepäck muss zuätzlich gebucht zijn. Before check-in, you can review the Sitzplatz reservation or top destination destinations.

The Mindestaufenthaltsdauer involves 18 Stunden for an Übernachtung and 36 Stunden for two Übernachtungen. Außerdem can be completely changed between different destinations: Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Cologne-Bonn, Prague and Stuttgart. Zum Vergleich: Eurowings itself, that’s clever If Lufthansa-Tochter offers higher priceswith Überraschungsflüge in Dortmund, Graz, Hannover, Nürnberg, Stockholm and Salzburg in Angebot.

Urlauber sees both suitcases at the airport
This costs extra for your travel: Large suitcase since both Aldi deals are not included in the price. © IMAGO / Rolf Poss

Aldi offers Fluge innerhalb Europas en: Barcelona und Rom unter den Zielen

View the list of Aldi in the Abflughafen Städte that goes through Europe to: Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malaga, Ibiza, Krakow, Valencia, Rovaniemi, Bergamo, Mailand, Barcelona, ​​Nizza, Bucharest, Pristina, Copenhagen, Prague, Bilbao, among others , Palma de Mallorca, Tirana, Helsinki, Tromsö, Faro, Zurich, Lisbon, Zagreb and Rom.

De Zahl oder Möglichsten Destinationen schwankt von Abflughafen zu Abflughafen erheblich. Während es von Prag aus nur siben since, was ab Düsseldorf 22 Ziele angesteuert.

Be that as it may, the flight is never cumbersome or erstattungsfähig. It is also the case at Aldi that Blindflüge, an unreliable excess, is an expensive price. (mg)

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